Character Guide

A guide to who loves whom, who is spreading scandalous rumors, and who recounts our tale. Characters are listed below the relationship chart in the order of appearance in the manuscript.

Kōsei 考世

An itinerant blind musician visiting the Yachi Ichinomiya Shrine in Yonezawa. The Bodhisattva Jizō appears to him in a dream and tells him the tragic tale of Takenomata Genta.

Jizō 地蔵菩薩

The Bodhisattva Jizō, the narrator of the story, is introduced as the manifestation of a deity enshrined at the Yachi Ichinomiya Shrine in Yonezawa.

Takenomata Genta 竹俣源太

This handsome and intelligent samurai youth is the main protagonist of the story. He is aged fourteen at the beginning of the central storyline.

Takenomata Ihei 竹俣猪兵衛 (伊兵衛)

Genta’s father, who passed away when Genta was eleven. He was a personal attendant (koshō 小姓) of the daimyo Uesugi Yoshinori.  

Ōhashi Toshimasa 大橋利昌

Genta’s maternal grandfather and the former castle keeper of Oguni.

Ōhashi Toshimasa’s daughter 大橋利昌の娘

Genta’s mother and the wife of Takenomata Ihei. We are not told her name.

Eguchi 江口

Genta’s teacher of Confucian texts.

Takenomata Gentazaemon 竹俣源太左衛門

Genta’s teacher of Ogasawara-style etiquette and martial arts.

Ōhira 大比良

Genta’s archery teacher. It is not clear if this is the same person as Ōhira Tōnai.

Hiraga Kohachirō 平賀小八郎

Genta’s first lover, who dies from smallpox.

Shinkai Hyōkichi 新貝兵橘

An acquaintance of Hiraga Kohachirō, who acts as a go-between for Hiraga and Genta.

Ukaji Shinpachi 宇加地新八

A handsome young man who is initially in a relationship with Kurata Kyūemon but then falls in love with Genta. After the bird hunt at Tazawa he joins Kurata in spreading false rumors about Genta. Following instructions from a tengu, he pays Genta a visit the evening before his murder. 

Kurata Kyūemon 蔵田久右衛門 

A middle-aged man who is Ukaji Shinpachi’s lover. He promises to act as a go-between for Shinpachi and Genta, but instead sleeps with Genta himself and then spreads malicious rumors about him.

Ōhashi Uzaemon 大橋宇左衛門

Genta’s uncle and Takenomata Ihei’s younger brother. He invites Genta to the fateful bird hunt in Tazawa village on Kurata’s behalf.

Ōhira Tōnai 大比良藤内

One of Kurata’s associates who joins the bird hunt at Tazawa.

Ishiguchi Hannai 石口半内

One of Kurata’s associates who joins the bird hunt at Tazawa.

Rinnosuke 林之助 

A young relative of Kurata’s, who has recently finished his studies. Kurata tries to trick him into taking up a relationship with Shinpachi in order to divert attention from his own misdeeds. Later in the story he becomes Genta’s lover.

Aoki Tōzaemon 青木藤左衛門 

One of Genta’s long-standing admirers who, believing the rumors spread by Kurata, turns against Genta.

Ogata Koshichirō 尾形小七郎 

One of Genta’s long-standing admirers who, believing the rumors spread by Kurata, turns against Genta.

Mizukoshi 水越

One of Genta's acquaintances. He does not tell Genta about the rumors circulating about him and later becomes Gōhachi's underling, keeping an eye on Genta for him. Later in the story, he confesses his love for Genta.

Tsukiji 築地

One of Genta’s acquaintances. He does not tell Genta about the rumors circulating about him and later becomes Gōhachi’s underling, keeping an eye on Genta for him.

Ishizaka Kansuke 石坂勘介

One of Genta’s acquaintances who does not tell Genta about the rumors circulating about him.

Sekiguchi Daiemon 関口大右衛門

An older neighbor and former friend of Genta’s father, who turns down Kurata’s invitation to the bird hunt. After the rumors have come to light, he proves to be a trustworthy counsellor for Genta.

Kamikura Matazaemon 上倉又左衛門

Warns Genta about Kurata and his fellow plotters, together with Uematsu.

Uematsu 上松何某

Warns Genta about Kurata and his fellow plotters, together with Kamikura Matazaemon.

Asaoka Hyōzō 朝岡兵蔵

Genta’s lover, described as a trustworthy companion.

Momonoi Saburōemon 桃井三郎右衛門

One of Asaoka Hyōzō’s trustworthy friends, with whom Genta spends a night.

Uematsu Gōhachi 上松郷八

One of Genta’s suitors. He spends large sums courting Genta and tries to monopolize him.

Old Man from Minamiyachi-kōji 南谷地小路の年寄り

He is unsuccessful in his attempt at interceding with Genta on Gōhachi’s behalf.

Horiuchi Heijirō 堀内平次郎

An exceedingly handsome man who catches Genta’s eye. 

Naitō Goshichirō 内藤五七郎

Genta’s neighbor, who initially acts as a go-between for Horiuchi Heijirō and Genta but then falls in love with Heijirō himself.

Mizuma Saroku 三潴左六

A frivolous flatterer from out of town with whom Genta associates.

Nagai Seizaemon 永井清左衛門

An ardent admirer of Genta, who stabs him to death after being rejected.

Konpei 今兵

Genta’s servant. 

Tengu 天狗

A supernatural creature that appears to Shinpachi in the guise of a yamabushi mountain ascetic and instructs him to visit Genta.

Takano Genshirō 高野源四郎

The husband of Genta’s older sister.

Yamada Hyōemon 山田兵右衛門

Owner of the residence near the scene of Genta’s murder.

Yamazaki Renbei 山崎連兵衛

A witness to Genta’s murder, who passes away shortly afterward. Jizō asks him to put in a good word for Genta in the afterlife.

An anonymous monk

A monk who visits the shrine for prayer.  At Kōsei’s request, he records Jizō’s tale about Genta’s tragic end for Genta’s mother. He is the purported author of the manuscript’s postscript. 

Yano Koshirō 矢野小四郎

A man upon whom Genta takes pity when he is ridiculed for his infatuation with a young boy.

Tamon 多門

A young boy who becomes the object of Yano Koshirō’s affection.

Research for this page was generously funded by the Dutch Research Council.