リー・バトラーは、中世後期から近世日本を専門とする無所属の研究者です。 主な著書に『Emperor and Aristocracy in Japan, 1467-1680: Resilience and Renewal』、「Patronage and the Building Arts in Tokugawa Japan」、「'Washing Off the Dust':Baths and Bathing in Late Medieval Japan」があります。 『政基公旅引付』を基に最近書かれた原稿には、『Four Years in Izumi: Village Japan in the Early Sixteenth Century』という仮題が付けられています。
C A クラウリー
Cheryl Crowley is an Associate Professor in the Department of Russian & East Asian Languages & Cultures. She teaches courses on Japanese and East Asian literature and culture. Her main research interests are the literature and art of the early modern period in Japan (1603-1868), and most of her publications focus on haikai. Her book, Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Bashō Revival, was published by Brill in 2007. She is working on a book on women haikai poets.
Karen Gerhart is Professor Emerita of Japanese Art History at the University of Pittsburgh. She has published monographs and articles on Japan, including The Eyes of Power: Art and Early Tokugawa Authority (1999), The Material Culture of Death in Medieval Japan (2009), and is editor and contributor to Women, Rites, and Ritual Objects in Premodern Japan (2018). She is also an author of the forthcoming bi-lingual volume, Mugai Nyodai: The Woman Who Opened Zen Gates (2024). Gerhart is currently researching the lives of the wives of the Ashikaga shoguns.
Mac Gill is an independent scholar and freelance translator. Her area of research is The Tale of Genji, specifically using digital mapping as a form of literary analysis.
羅浩餘 (ラゴヨ)
羅浩餘 (ラゴヨ)はカリフォルニア大学デービス校の学部生です。 日本語とドイツ語を二重専攻していて、橘守国著『絵本通宝志』を優等学位の卒業論文として翻訳しています。 彼の故郷はマレーシアのアロースターで、福建語 (母語)、英語、マレー語、中国語、広東語を話します。 福建語は上古漢語や中古漢語の発音を日本語と多く共有しているため、浩餘は漢文と古文の歴史的な日本語の音読みが大好きです。
メリッサ・マコーミックはハーバード大学アンドリュー・W・メロン教授。芸術、文学、歴史が交差する分野を研究。著書に『Tosa Mitsunobu and the Small Scroll in Medieval Japan』(2009年)、『The Tale of Genji: A Visual Companion』(2018年)、メトロポリタン美術館で共同企画した展覧会に基づく共編カタログ『The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated』(2019年)がある。最近の関心は、仏教の尼僧芸術家である大田垣蓮月(1791-1875)の和歌詩学など。
Maria Grazia Petrucci received her PhD from University of British Columbia. She specializes in Sino-Japanese history, focusing on 16th century Japanese piracy in Kyushu, trade relations between the Portuguese and Japanese Christians, and the conversion of daimyo. She is currently teaching East, Southeast Asian, and maritime history at a college in Vancouver. She has more recently started to delve into the study of classical Mongolian to conduct parallel research related to Inner Asian history.
ボン大学・アジア学修士課程の大学院生です。専門は日本中近世の社会と文化史です。修士論文では、常陸 国大曽根村を事例に、近世初期の地域社会における紛争解決を研究しています。
Arden Taylor is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh and Seattle native. His MA thesis concerned hegemonic masculinity as seen in the Tale of the Heike. His dissertation will explore the pluralistic expressions of masculinity in warrior noh plays based on the Heike, centering on the "divine chigo" theme represented in Atsumori's character. His other research interests include waka and Genji monogatari, as well as exploring queer identities through premodern literature.
Pier Carlo Tommasi is Assistant Professor of Japanese at Vassar College. He earned his Ph.D. from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, and previously worked at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. His research focuses on medieval literature, with a particular interest in samurai culture, manuscripts, and life-writing.
Danica Truscott received a PhD in Asian Languages and Cultures with a specialization in Premodern Japanese Literature from UCLA in 2022. She now holds the position of Lecturer on Classical Japanese (Bungo) and Kanbun at Harvard University. Her current book project focuses on the most prominent woman poet in the Man'yōshū, Lady Ōtomo no Sakanoue, and her pivotal role in the transmission of Nara-period (710-794) poetic culture.
Maria Tsoy
Mirko Winckel completed his master’s degree in Japanese Studies at the University of Munich in 2023. In his master's thesis he focused on the spread, consumption and reception of incense, especially agarwood, in premodern Japan. Apart from incense, he holds strong interest for the history of monastic institutions in the Middle Ages, the history of Buddhism, and medieval travel diaries. He is an avid Numismatist.
Kikuko Yamashita specializes in historical linguistics, Japanese linguistics, and language pedagogy. Her research interests include pragmatics, communication strategies, discourse analysis, and language policies.