
Ryan Cook is a film historian with a focus on Japanese cinema. He earned his PhD from Yale in 2013 and has taught at Harvard (as a Reischauer Institute postdoc) and Emory. He is currently completing the Library and Information Science program at the University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa with an emphasis in Asian Studies librarianship. His solo translation of Shiguéhiko Hasumi’s celebrated Ozu study Kantoku Ozu Yasujirō is forthcoming from University of California Press in Spring of 2024 as Directed by Yasujirō Ozu.

ジョージ ワシントン大学における沖縄コレクションと日本リソース センターの司書。GWエリオット国際関係大学院でアジア学の修士号取得。ヴァージニア コモンウェルス大学で公共政策と行政の博士号、政策分析と評価の公共経営修士号取得。コレクションの開発、研究に関する相談と指導、イベントとワークショップ企画、カタログ作成を担当している。質的方法論者として、コーディングとデータ分析の指導も行っている。日本職場での性差別とそれに対する法律についての研究と現在の沖縄学についての研究に取り組んでいる。

Sarah Rebecca Schmid is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Zurich and the lead curator of the project “Japanese Buddhist Art in European Collections” (JBAE). She received her doctorate in 2022 at the University of Zurich. Her research interests include the role of myth in Japanese culture and society. Most recently, she has been working on medieval narratives as an associate for the SNSF-project “Time and Emotion in Medieval Japanese Literature.”