Steve McCarty


Steve McCarty
Current Position

Lecturer (former full Professor)

Religious Studies Education Asian Studies Language/Linguistics
Research Interests

Kukai, Pilgrimage of Shikoku, Buddhism, Shinto, syncretism, Asian religions, Psychology of Religion, Kompira, prehistory, Imashirozuka Kofun, Kyoto, Heian Period, Gion Matsuri, Kamigamo Jinja, bilingualism, bilingual education, intercultural communication, Japanese, iconography, symbolism

Research Languages

Japanese, English

Current Location

Takatsuki, Osaka (大阪府高槻市) , Japan

About Me

Steve McCarty was born in Boston, specialized in Japan in graduate school, and became a full Professor for 22 years in Japan. He currently lectures for Osaka Jogakuin University. From 2004-2024 he lectured for the Japanese government foreign aid agency JICA, introducing "Japanese People and Society" to visiting officials. At Kansai University from 2015-2020 he taught international ICT classes and held a unique Global Faculty Development position. Since 1998 he is the World Association for Online Education (WAOE) President. His CV lists 255 publications, plus presentations on 103 different topics (including 10 international conference keynote addresses), with 617+ citations recognized by Google Scholar. His work spans Japan, Asia, online education, bilingualism, language teaching with technology, faculty development, and the academic life. Start from his Knowledge Commons homepage.


M.A., Asian Religions / Japan, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1986

Selected Past Employment
  • Professor (2004-2015), Lecturer (2015-2024), Osaka Jogakuin University (大阪女学院大学), 2004-present
  • Lecturer on "Japanese People and Society", Japan International Cooperation Agency (国際協力機構 JICA), 2004-2024
  • Adjunct Professor / Global Faculty Development Consultant, Kansai University (関西大学), 2015-2020
Selected Publications
Selected Courses Taught
  • Bilingualism and Japanese Society, Osaka Jogakuin University (大阪女学院大学), 2007-2024
  • Intercultural Communication (異文化間コミュニケーション), Osaka Jogakuin College (大阪女学院短期大学), 2014-2024
Memberships & Affiliations
  • World Association for Online Education (WAOE) President (since 1998)
Contact For
General Contact
Providing an Expert Opinion
Research Collaborations
Serving on Boards/Committees
Speaking Opportunities
Social Media
Last Updated
