Team Coordinators
Gwyn McClelland

Gwyn McClelland is Japanese Studies Senior Lecturer in the Department of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures at the University of New England. An oral historian, he conducts research engaging with religious discourses in memory, history, theology, and sensory studies. His first book was Dangerous Memory in Nagasaki: Prayers, Protests, and Catholic Survivor Narratives, and he has recently co-edited with Hannah Gould a new collection: Aromas of Asia: Exchanges, Histories, Threats.
Team Collaborators
Nobuko Sakatani

In 1982 Nobuko Sakatani moved from Nagasaki City to the island of Hisaka in the Gotō Islands. She was born in the Gotō on Wakamatsu Island and lived there until she was in junior high. Since moving to Hisaka Island, she has continued to photograph the scenery of every season, local festivals, and the everyday lives of residents. She has traveled throughout the islands and gathered stories from those living there, learning about the islands' history and the lifestyle of the people. She shares this information on her Hisaka Island blog, Ima (The Present). She continues to organize her photos and record what she has heard for posterity.
Satsuki Oosaki

Satsuki Oosaki is a staff member of the Nagasaki Pilgrimage Center and serves as a guide to the Gotō Islands. Her ancestors on both parents' sides were hidden Christians who migrated from the Nagasaki coastal area of Sotome in 1859. Over generations their household was raised within the Catholic faith.