Dr. Mark Bookman

On December 16th, 2022, storied disability activist and scholar Mark Bookman passed away suddenly in the early morning. Mark was a renowned figure in various communities in Japan and the United States: he frequently gave guest talks at academic conferences and public events (often at events he initiated in the first place); he founded and was heavily involved in various accessibility initiatives like the Accessibility Mapping Project at the University of Pennsylvania; and he was a well-known accessibility consultant whose advice was always in-demand from public and private entities alike. Mark's powerful drive to merge scholarly rigor with on-the-ground demand for change continues to inspire so many people – from Japan to the United States and many places in between.

This project was inspired by Mark's remarkable contributions, not just to academia and society, but also to our lives. Modeled on Mark's endless drive to create change across every sector of society, we have included research, educational, and outreach components across the website. These different components mirror Mark's multifaceted approach to his work and activism. Mark did not settle for excellence just in, for example, academic writing – he excelled in all capabilities as a scholar, activist, and friend. We hope that the different aspects of this project can help inspire you to think about how to link together all aspects of whatever work you do.

Professional headshot of the late Mark Bookman, in bright blue-green shirt and pale grey suit, sitting in a motorized wheelchair.

Mark's passing is an indescribable loss, and he is sorely missed by so many. Please see https://bookmanresearch.com/ and his past social media account for more information on his ideas and impact on the world - and watch the documentary Mark: A Call to Action by director Ron Small. The trailer may be viewed here: