If you have a Japan-related event that you would like added to the calendar, you can use our event submission form to provide the relevant information.

Please allow up to 24 hours for the content to be approved and updated.

If you are uncertain about how to categorize your event in the submission form, please refer to the explanations below.

(JPG, GIF, PNG, max. 6 MB)

We ask for a little patience until the data are checked and published.

Event Types


A large-scale event, such as an annual gathering with multiple simultaneous panels and/or a series of sessions over several days.(e.g. The Association for Asian Studies annual conference; 日本近代文学会)


A small- to medium-scale event, often on a focused theme or topic with a limited number of speakers and held over one or two days. (e.g. Healing the People: Popularizing and Printing Medicine in Edo Japan, 仏教学の新知識基盤:シンポジウム)


A short-term event on a specific topic or theme intended to generate focused discussion, feedback, or skill development. (e.g. The University of Southern California Kambun Workshop; Summer School in Early Modern Japanese Palaeography at the University of Cambridge)


A one-time event featuring one speaker or a small panel of speakers.

Cultural Event

An event or series of events focused on Japanese culture. (e.g. tea ceremony demonstrations, the National Cherry Blossom Festival)


A short- or long-term display of works of art or items of interest in a museum, art gallery, or other cultural or educational setting.


A one-time or multi-day event showing Japan-related films.


A one-time or multi-day event of Japanese theater, plays, or other live performances.


If the above labels are not applicable to your event, please select "Other."