Image Credits

Project Manuscript

Source title: Shūdō tsuya monogatari 衆道通夜物語
Owning institution: Beinecke Rare Books Library, Yale University
Call number: GEN MSS VOL 701
License: Reproduced with permission of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

Project Map of Yonezawa

Source title: Gojōka ezu Kyōhō jū-nen「御城下絵図 享保十年」控
Owning institution: Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum
Call number: 上杉文書 1877
License: Reproduced with permission of Yonezawa City Uesugi Museum

Landing page images

All images in this section are taken from the project manuscript and reproduced with permission of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

Introduction: A Tragic Tale in an Eighteenth-Century Manuscript

Source title: Nanshoku ōkagami 男色大鑑
Owning institution: Ranpo bunko digital collection, Rikkyo University Library
Call number: 52070519~52070525
URL 1, URL 2
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Captions:  Love of youths was a common topos in popular fiction such as Ihara Saikaku's Great Mirror of Male Love [...]; The tragic and sometimes violent outcomes of samurai same-sex love affairs were a stock motif in popular fiction [...]

Source title: Edo dōchū ezu (Yonezawa - Edo) 江戸道中絵図 (米沢~江戸)
Owning institution: Yonezawa Municipal Library
Call number: FX021001
License: Reproduced with permission of Yonezawa Municipal Library
Caption: The castle town of Yonezawa, seat of the Uesugi rulers of Yonezawa domain [...]

Source title: Edo dōchū ezu (Edo - Yonezawa) 江戸道中絵図 (江戸~米沢)
Owning institution: Yonezawa Municipal Library
Call number: FX022001
License: Reproduced with permission from Yonezawa Municipal Library
Caption: Travel the road to Edo through Yonezawa domain by scrolling [...]

The remaining images in this section are taken from the project manuscript.

Introduction: 'True-Record Books': Scandals, Gossip and Rumours in Early Modern Japan

Source title: Shokunin zukushi ekotoba 職人盡繪詞 第3軸 (detail)
Owning institution: National Diet Library
Call number: 寄別1-4-7
License: Public domain
Caption: Two news broadsheet vendors, from Shokunin zukushi ekotoba

Source title: Bakemono taiheiki 化物太平記 3巻
Owning institution: National Diet Library
Call number: 208-627
License: Public domain
Caption: Bakemono taiheiki (The monsters' chronicles of great peace, 1804) was banned for its irreverent portrayal of the famous warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi [...]

Source title: Shōtoku bukan 正徳武鑑
Owning institution: National Diet Library
Call number: 800-14
License: Public domain
Caption: Some basic genealogical knowledge about warrior houses [...]

Source title: Edo umare uwaki no kabayaki 江戸生艶気樺焼 
Owning institution: National Diet Library
Call number: 207-169
License: Public domain
Caption: A yomiuri vendor hawking  a broadsheet about a love affair [...]

Source title: Ōsaka usagidoshi zu 大坂卯年図
Owning institution: University of Tokyo
Call number: 政争 N001 / マイクロ番号 361001
License: Reproduced with permission of  the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo
Caption: Osaka Castle under Siege (1615)

Source title: Shokoku ōjishin ōtsunami dai sanpen 諸国大地震大津波第三編
From Kasui fūsai zashū 火水風災雑輯
Owning institution: National Diet Library
Call number: 寄別 8-3-2-10
License: Public domain
Caption: Edo Hit by Earthquake and Tsunami (1854) 

Source title: Edo Asakusa o-kura mae onna adauchi 江戸浅草 御蔵前女仇討
Owning institution: Tokyo University
Call number: 敵討 N003 / マイクロ番号 362009  
License: Reproduced with permission of  the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo 
Caption: Revenge Killing in Edo's Kuramae District

Source title: Yoshū Matsuyama nite sōtōji shussan no koto 予州松山にて双頭児出産の事
Owning institution: Waseda University Library
Call number: 文庫10 08063 0001
License: Reproduced with permission of  Waseda University Library
Caption: Child with Two Heads Born in Matsuyama (1836)

Source title: Negishi Nakamura no hyakushō Motokichi no segare Motojirō neko ni korosareru (根岸中村の百性元吉の忰元二郎猫に殺される)
Owning institution: National Museum of Japanese History
Call number: H-1492-3-43 
License: Reproduced with permission of the National Museum of Japanese History
Caption: Peasant Killed by Cat

Source title: Kitaamerika gasshūkoku teiō yori kenjō mitsugimono shinajina 北亜墨利加合衆国帝王ヨリ献上貢物品々
Owning institution: Waseda University Library
Call number: 文庫08 C0874 0002 
License: Reproduced with permission of Waseda University Library
Caption: Perry's Gifts Make Waves with the Japanese (1854)

Source title: Kōshakuba no Fukai Shidōken 講釈場の深井志道軒/ Fukai Shidōken Lecturing
Owning institution: William Sturgis Bigelow Collection, Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Call number: 11.19631
License: Reproduced with permission of  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 
Caption: The storyteller Shidōken performing "old war tales" (ca. 1750s) [...]

Source title: Kyōkun zōnagamochi 教訓雑長持
Owning institution: Kobe University Library
Call number: 913-67-3
License: CC BY 4.0
Caption: Edo-style graffiti on the wall of a house, from Kyōkun zōnagamochi [...]

Source title: Edo jidai rakusho ruijū 江戸時代落書類聚
Owning institution: National Diet Library
Call number: 836-31
License: Public domain
Caption: Late Edo-period graffiti satirising the Tenpō Reforms of the 1840s, reproduced in Edo jidai rakusho ruijū (1915) [...]

Source title: Kidai shōran 熈代勝覧
Owning institution: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Museum für Asiatische Kunst
Call number: 2002-17
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Caption: Kashihon'ya ambulant booklender, detail from Kidai shōran (1805).

Source title: Morioka mitsugimono monogatari 森岡貢物語
Owning institution: Main Library, Kyoto University
Call number: 5-11/モ/1
License: Public domain
Caption: Advertisement of a lending library pasted onto the inside cover of Morioka mitsugimono monogatari (1757), one of Baba Bunkō's jitsurokubon

Source title: Keian Taiheiki 慶安太平記
Owning institution: Arthur Tress Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books, University of Pennsylvania
Call number: Tress Anon 1
License: Public domain
Caption:  Scene from the "true-record" book Keian Taiheiki (1790), an account of the Keian Rebellion (1651) [...]

Source title: An'ei jitsurokuden 安永実録伝
Owning institution: Waseda University Library
Call number: ヘ13_03362
License: Reproduced with permission  Waseda University Library
Caption: An'ei jitsurokuden (Edo period), first volume in a set of 25 formerly owned by the lending library Sumiyoshiya Ubei [...]

Research for this page was generously funded by the Dutch Research Council.